Creating great portfolios have always been a combination of art and science, and within our competitive environment it is needed more than ever. Based on advances within portfolio construction and risk measurement tools, it has become more imperative that investment managers understand their exposures more than ever.
Aapryl provides fund managers the ability to not only get a clear view of their factor DNA, but it allows them to understand how certain macro events might have an unintended effect on their portfolio. Instead of providing a metric of either success or failure, this tool allows a manager to disaggregate their portfolio to find out what has been driving returns, when are they successful, what areas can they improve in, and most importantly how their product fits within a client’s portfolio. Peer rankings provide a general view of how a product has done versus their benchmark, but through style clustering, Aapryl can help investment managers understand how they have done versus others who have similar characteristics to them. Aapryl does a better job at comparing investment managers to their more specific peer groups, than other platforms.
Our goal was to create a product that allows managers to not only understand their portfolio at a deeper level, but also be able to communicate their value to clients in a clear and concise manner. Aapryl provides investment managers the ability to present their information to current and prospective clients in a manner that clients can understand easily.